Enroll in School
Welcome to Farmington Public Schools! (watch our welcome video!)
We are happy you are here!
We are looking forward to having your child(ren) attend our wonderful district. Farmington Public Schools offers a well-rounded education to all of our students. Whether your child is a scholar, an artist, has a passion for technology, a musician, a non-English speaker, or an athlete, we have a program for your child. Our parents, staff, and community are partners in our students' educational success and hold the District to high standards for each and every student to achieve their personal best.
This online process will allow parents to enroll students and upload required documentation to a secure site.
Please read this entire page before starting the online enrollment process.
To enroll your child use our Enrollment Portal.
To learn more about Farmington Online's remote and virtual program options, please visit www.farmington.k12.mi.us/fo
For any questions, please email admcentralenrollment@fpsk12.net
School of Attendance based on Parent/Legal Guardian Address (District Residents)
If you reside within our District boundaries, you can enroll your children at any time. Farmington Public Schools includes Farmington, Farmington Hills, and a portion of West Bloomfield. You can verify District boundaries by viewing our District Map. If you are unsure which school your child should attend within our school district, please refer to our District Street Guide (Shows school assignments specific to street addresses).
Farmington Public Schools is not an open enrollment school district. You must live within the state-defined District boundaries to enroll. The State of Michigan bases residency on your domicile, typically identified as the place of permanent residence, where you sleep at night. The only exception would be those students participating in Section 105 Schools of Choice.
Schools of Choice
Please see our Schools of Choice Section Intra-District (Farmington Public Schools' Residents) and Section 105 (Oakland County Residents) for further information or contact khristian.alexander@fpsk12.net or 248-426-4692.
Young 5's
Please see our Young 5's Section for further information.
Proof of Residency
Farmington Public Schools does not accept a post office box or a mailbox store as a valid address. Subleases and room rentals are not accepted as proof of residency.
- Homeowners: Current Property Tax Bill or Warranty Deed in parent or legal guardian name and TWO current utility bills (Gas, Electric, or Internet/Cable/Satellite TV - Water bill not accepted) within the last 30 days addressed to the person enrolling the student. Provide the complete bills with the mailing address, service address, and service dates.
- Leaseholder/Renter: Current Lease or Rental Agreement in parent or legal guardian name and TWO current utility bills (Gas, Electric, or Internet/Cable/Satellite TV - Water bill not accepted) within the last 30 days addressed to the person enrolling the student. Provide the complete bills with the mailing address, service address, and service dates.
- Living with a homeowner/leaseholder/relative or friend: A Residency Affidavit is required. The Homeowner/Leaseholder must provide the proofs of residency listed above. The enrolling parent or legal guardian name must be listed on the lease. In addition to the parent/guardian driver's license, please upload the homeowner/leaseholder driver's license and two proofs of mail addressed to the parent at the enrolling address. When all residency documentation is uploaded to the Pre-Enrollment Portal, please email admcentralenrollment@fpsk12.net to request the affidavit.
Additional Required Documents
- Parent/Guardian Identification (valid driver’s license with current address listed or State of Michigan Identification). A passport for residents new to the country will be accepted in lieu of a Michigan Driver's License or State of Michigan ID.
- Legal Guardian Court Order
- Legal guardianship documentation, obtained from the Oakland County Probate Court, is required at the time of enrollment (if applicable). The student must live with the legal guardian residing in the school district. For more information about obtaining legal guardianship in Oakland County, please see their website at https://www.oakgov.com/government/courts/probate-court/case-types/guardianships-conservatorships/guardianship-for-minors
- Legal guardianship documentation, obtained from the Oakland County Probate Court, is required at the time of enrollment (if applicable). The student must live with the legal guardian residing in the school district. For more information about obtaining legal guardianship in Oakland County, please see their website at https://www.oakgov.com/government/courts/probate-court/case-types/guardianships-conservatorships/guardianship-for-minors
- Child’s Birth Certificate
- A child must be at least five years of age on September 1, 2025, to enroll in Kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year.
- A child must be at least five years of age on September 1, 2025, to enroll in Kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year.
- Kindergarten Waiver Request
- The State of Michigan states a child must be 5 years old on or before 12/1/2025 with no exceptions. If your child was born after September 1 but before December 1, you will need to sign a waiver for your child to attend. Please fill out the waiver form which needs to be completed and submitted before the first day of school for the 25/26 school year.
- The State of Michigan states a child must be 5 years old on or before 12/1/2025 with no exceptions. If your child was born after September 1 but before December 1, you will need to sign a waiver for your child to attend. Please fill out the waiver form which needs to be completed and submitted before the first day of school for the 25/26 school year.
- Up-to-date immunization records or waiver from the Oakland County Health Dept.
- Copy of Individual Education Plan (IEP) and MET for students receiving special services
- Copy of current 504 plan for the student (if one has been developed)
- Custody papers in the event of divorce
- Note: Absent a court order that specifically provides otherwise. Farmington Public Schools are required by law to permit custodial and non-custodial parents and guardians the same access to their student and the student’s records. If a court has limited or denied such access, Farmington Public Schools must be provided with a current court order that specifically addresses access while the student is at school.
- Note: Absent a court order that specifically provides otherwise. Farmington Public Schools are required by law to permit custodial and non-custodial parents and guardians the same access to their student and the student’s records. If a court has limited or denied such access, Farmington Public Schools must be provided with a current court order that specifically addresses access while the student is at school.
Additional Required Documents By Grade Level
- Kindergarten students also require Proof of Vision and Hearing Exam given after the age of 3 years old (submit a statement from the examining official)
Michigan Law (Public Health Code, Act 368, and Michigan School Code, Act 291) requires a vision and hearing screening for kindergarten entrance.
Vision and hearing screening done in preschool by a health department technician or a doctor's office fulfills this requirement.
Oakland County Health Division offers free vision and hearing screening for county residents. Call 248-424-7070 for an appointment.
Free Hearing and Vision Screening for Oakland County Residents
- Students in grades 1 - 8 - Most recent report card from the previous school
- Students in grades 9 - 12 - Require a copy of the transcript from the previous school